Start-up support

We offer all-round support for start-ups with innovative, promising and preferably digital business models as well as people interested in founding such companies.

Start-ups are eminently important for the dynamics of a modern business location. We serve as the first point of contact for founders and startups with innovative, preferably digital business models in Mönchengladbach – whether in the search for premises or funding opportunities, with regard to networking with other local stakeholders, especially SMEs, or in terms of visibility and marketing.

Together with network partners such as the digitization and start-up initiative nextMG e.V., the necessary local and regional ecosystem is built and maintained. We make our expertise and commitment available as a juror for the NRW Startup Scholarship, as well as a leading force in the annual “Lower Rhine Startup Week”, which we coordinate as a regional center. Furthermore, we are, among other things, a member of the Lower Rhine Startup Region, cooperate closely with the regional Starter Center and have been a partner of the federal Startup Platform since 2020.

In doing so, we guarantee personal, individual support for promising startup projects, regardless of the growth of the local startup scene, which is not only qualitative but also quantitative. With the development of the Founders’ Factory (GFMG), we were able to round off the portfolio and contribute with our work to putting the city on the startup map sustainably and permanently.

In spring 2019, we also had an image film created for the startup scene.

Start-up service



Start-ups in MG
